Current Projects

Alpine Tundra Productivity Analysis

I am preparing to submit the first analysis of alpine tundra productivity trends across the Rocky Mountains of North America. This work synthesizes experimental data, multi-temporal Landsat imagery, and climate simulation outputs to quantify trends in Landsat NDVI and explore their potential drivers.

Hierarchical Bayesian Models of Plant Phenology

I am developing hierarchical Bayesian models to study alpine tundra plant phenology in the context of a novel global change experiment. This project involves implementing state-space models in Julia (Turing.jl), incorporating multiple latent variable layers to better capture phenological dynamics.

Phenological Plasticity and Agricultural Sunflower Yield

In collaboration with Drs. Sarah Elmendorf, Nolan Kane, Eliza Clark, Brent Hulke, Peter Innes, and others, I am applying machine learning and causal inference techniques to investigate how phenological plasticity influences agricultural sunflower yield. This interdisciplinary project seeks to identify the climatic and genomic factors that optimize sunflower productivity.